Binge Eating Therapy

Weight Inclusive Approach in Kirkland, WA

Have you found yourself to binge eating again without any clue how to stop?

Maybe you told yourself you will get back on track on Monday but can’t keep your promise come Tuesday or perhaps you make sure to not have “treats” in your kitchen because you don't trust yourself around food. You may be wondering if you are addicted to food, or simply if something is wrong with you since other people don’t seem to struggle like you. Perhaps you’re feeling guilty, ashamed and isolated.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life.

  • You can’t go out to a restaurant without restricting before to make up for the calories

  • It's hard to concentrate at work or at home when food takes so much mental space

  • Your weight or body shape is preventing you from connecting with others

Binge Eating Therapy can help

It may feel impossible now, but you can experience peace with food. You can learn to appreciate the body you currently have. You can love yourself completely no matter your weight and size. And I can help you get there.

Here are some benefits of working with me:

  • Reconnect with your body cues and signals

  • Tend to your emotional needs and/or trauma

  • Stabilize your weight

  • Most importantly, create a joyful life!

I’ll help through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. My approach to binge eating therapy uses the following

  • learning the languages of emotions,

  • intuitive eating principles and

  • trauma-focused intervention (ie: EMDR)

    You are not broken.

    Food is not the enemy.


  • Q: But what if I can’t imagine being happy if I don’t lose weight?

    A: I would be curious to know what “happy” would look like for you.  The media does a great job at portraying thin successful people so it is only logical to think that in order to be happy you need to be a certain size. Yet, I have a feeling that if you are here, you might have some doubts about all the diet talk.

  • Q: But what if I'm scared to gain weight?

    A: Fear is a very informative emotion. In session, we could explore the wisdom of fear. As we live in a fat-phobic society, it is normal to dread putting on weight. Too often, gaining weight has been associated with “letting yourself go”.  However bodies change whether from aging, pregnancy, stress, hormones, trauma, chronic condition and more. Your body will change but never will your worth.

  • Q: But what if I hate my body? Is body positivity possible for me?

    A: For some, loving their body seems too far to reach.  I would invite you to consider  body neutrality instead of body positivity or love.  This might seem easier to practice and attain. This scale of body hate-love is addressed early in binge eating therapy and throughout the process to make sure you feel empowered in your healing journey.

  • Q: But what if I need to lose weight for my health?

    A: well-meaning loved ones and healthcare professionals will often make the argument that losing weight is better for your physical health. I urge you to research professionals who are truly weight-neutral in their care here. As a reminder weight is not a reflection of someone’s eating and moving patterns. How you eat, drink, sleep and move are better indicators of health than weight.

Food freedom is possible!

You don’t have to keep battling food and your body. I can help get there.